This time last year, we were in the cold & not-so-snowy Prague waiting for our baby girl to be born. 2018 is definitely a year to reme...
About Me
Người trẻ Sài Gòn. Sống trong hiện tại, nghĩ về tương lai và ít khi nào tiếc nuối quá khứ. Nếu đã ghé ngang thì chào nhau cái nhé!
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I'm making annual habits here with the 2nd yearly recap blog (view the 1st one HERE! ) to pin-up some of the most wonderful highlights...
This time last year, we were in the cold & not-so-snowy Prague waiting for our baby girl to be born. 2018 is definitely a year to reme...
*Enjoying ice-creams in those shaking days with Su Cake and Moon Cake. lol* For some reasons, my mind goes blank uncontrollably. Rapidly com...
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Reality sucks. But that does not mean you cannot live a normal happy life. This would be the second time a movie has taught me this lif...
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